Andrea Lund Sørensen, 2023

Edition: 10

Soleklar is a Danish word which means that something is completely obvious and above all doubt.

Soleklar is a small zine, designed like a secret pocket for one to open. When you open the booklet, two sections wil appear. The section on the left of the book introduces a poetic and atmospheric space. The section on the right consists of the title followed by three different photographed objects, from the photographer’s own private room.

Soleklar is a tiny, almost pocket sized, zine. It’s a small photographic glimpse of loneliness and melancholy. A little booklet with places to go and be vulnerable and introverted. A mapping of mental and physical places that most people may be familiar with. Airports and sea views, snowy surfaces, and bare trees. It introduces a duality in being alone with oneself, a strengthening romance, and a lonesome sorrow.